type of memory

英 [taɪp ɒv ˈmeməri] 美 [taɪp əv ˈmeməri]

网络  存储器类型



  1. This type of backwards memory task is quite hard because you have to keep track of what is presented to you and reverse it in your head.
  2. Former Flextronics boss Michael Marks stood in as interim CEO before the arrival of Ze'ev Drori, who made his mark with a company that produced a type of computer memory.
  3. This type of memory leak will cause your programs to be bloated, get slower over time, and eventually run out of memory.
  4. When you are inside a debugger, you can use various Purify API functions to investigate the status and type of various memory locations
  5. For this type of memory leak case, it is important to analyze a heap dump taken within the short span of time the free memory is observed to be dropping quickly.
  6. This parameter indicates whether or not the VMM re-page counts should be considered and what type of memory it should steal.
  7. You can also define limits on the type and amount of memory that a thread can consume such that an OutOfMemoryError is thrown if the thread consumes more than that limit.
  8. Exploits in this family all work in a similar manner, but will vary regarding the type of memory affected and the intended effect.
  9. This type of a memory leak is referred to as a Java heap memory leak.
  10. This is a special type of memory available through the DataBlade API where you give it a name and can retrieve a reference to it by name.
  11. Children at school need this type of memory on a daily basis for a variety of tasks, such as following teachers 'instructions or remembering dictated sentences.
  12. A type of read-only memory that can be erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state.
  13. A program used to read a program from an input device, and, usually, into some type of random access memory.
  14. This type of memory is closely related to fluid intelligence, according to background information in the article, and appears to rely on the same brain circuitry.
  15. Our memory is a vital part of our personal life, but cultures also have a type of@ memory@.
  16. He was particularly interested in a type of memory called episodic memory, which relates to specific events, places and times.
  17. Smartphones could have their battery life extended by up to20% by changing what type of memory they use.
  18. Then designed a FIFO type of memory.
  19. This study discover lookback of three types: the type of memory, comprehension and examination.
  20. As the newest type of context-dependent memory, language-dependent recall combines features from other context-dependent memory, but also has unique properties characteristic to language alone.
  21. Confabulation is an important type of false memory.
  22. Systematic research on this type of memory can be dated back to the 19th century when Galton invented the breakfast questionnaire and the word-cueing method. With the accumulation of related research on autobiographical memory it has become a new focus in recent years.
  23. Featured as self-reference distinctly, autobiographical memory is a type of memory in conformity with the content of personal life events.
  24. A new type of shape memory alloy damper
  25. This paper introduces the new type of shared memory interface mode for data exchange between DSP and PC.
  26. The protocol stack can be carried out by means of C language. All the use of pointer explicit the type of memory and system is compiled by the minor mode of Keil C.
  27. Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy ( MSMA) is a new type of shape memory alloys, which posses not only traditional thermoelasticity shape memory effect that can be controlled by temperature but also magnetic shape memory effect that can be controlled by magnetic field.
  28. Objective To design a new type of shape memory alloy intrasegmental fixation instrument for the treatment of lumbar spondylolysis, researching its material mechanical characteristic, analyzing the finite element method ( FEM) and evaluating the ability of the new device to restore the spine stability.
  29. Aim The data type of memory is a very important data type in computer, and it is of very importance in the CDT construction.
  30. In this paper, a new type of downhole memory gauge using USB interface is discussed. It can replace the traditional RS-232 serial port.